Management in Public

In 2024 I started publishing twice per week on and on linkedin.


I make videos for people who want to build software without coding themselves. We build our own SaaS and document the process for you to follow along.

Here are some topic ideas I’ll explore along the way.

Published videos

January 2024:


I’m working through a catalogue of content that’s relevant in software projects. Do you have an idea what to add? Write me an email!

Evergreen content built 10%

Scope + Planning

  1. About starting small: the definition of an MVP Outline
  2. Examples of different teams and how much PM overhead comes with it?
  3. Functional specs: the 80/20 of specification Outline
  4. Is it a good idea to build on top of existing OS software? Outline
  5. 5 lessons I learned from building products for startups Outline
  6. What’s better: working with freelancers or full-time staff? Outline

Teams and people management

  1. Freelancer vs. Fixed Employee. When to use who?
  2. Scrum process: when is a well-meant approach too much? What’s the 80/20 ?
  3. Leading software teams: How to do hard things without screwing up the morale?
  4. How your project can attract great talent Outline


  1. For Devs becoming PMs - how deep to go into a topic?Outline

Concepts to know

  1. Managers should know these 9 Facts About Technical Debt
  2. Important concepts about consistency Rails PMs need to know.
  3. I18n: what’s the best practice to translate a software? Outline
  4. Notification systems. What’s hard about them + some best practices.
  5. Tagging systems: How flexibility can slow your software down and screw with UX (and how to do it right)
  6. All things to know in a user authentication system.
  7. Multi-tenancy systems: How to separate customer data Outline
  8. Feature flags and main branch deployment. with


  1. Graphql or not graphql? How much do you pay and what do you actually get?
  2. Do you actually need a tag system or not?
  3. Struggling with server deployments? What’s the DYI case, and when to use Heroku.
  4. Email provider options + most important things to know about DKIM etc. (with an SC admin?)
  5. What’s the 80/20 of testing?
  6. Architecture of a hack-proof system
  7. What’s the point of JAMSTACK websites?