When Refactoring Becomes Perfectionism

2 min read


Perfectionism. It happens to the best of us. There’s an eye-opening short video on YouTube. It helped me see when a solution is good enough.

My name is Till Carlos, and in my agency I lead team of engineers. I document the learnings while we build software products.

And today I want to look at a problem many engineers face. I call it the refactoring-perfectionism fallacy.

Where it started

There’s this short video. Check it out:


Summary, Primeagen: Don’t Make This Mistake:

  • They start with a solution here
  • Then the use it at another point, and generalize it
  • Then they use it in a third point, and now it breaks.

At this point they have the choice to

  1. Hack it and build edge cases into it (thus making it ugly)
  2. Refactor it and make it work well in all three cases.

Option 2 is almost always the wrong choice.

But engineers LOVE to go there.

It always takes longer than we think

Because the third place to use something is underestimated.

  • Three points of contact is WAY more than just two.
  • You might never need it beyond these three cases.
  • You go from an if-else to a case condition

It might be worse: you might think this is a great example for using a Factory patteren which spits out configuration PO-whatever-Os.


Example from my code: This is a possible solution - but I won’t got here.

What to do instead

Instead of falling into the refactoring trap, consider these alternatives:

  • Add an edge case: Sometimes, a simple hack is all you need.
  • Duplicate the code: In moderation, code duplication isn’t always evil.
  • Ship it: Focus on delivering value rather than achieving code perfection.

Remember, the goal is to create functional, maintainable software – not to write the most elegant code in the world.

The next time you’re tempted to refactor for that third use case, pause and ask yourself: Is this really necessary, or am I falling into the perfectionism trap?

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Till Carlos

I'm Till, a senior developer who started a software company. I explain software concepts for people in leading roles.