Why Projects Fail? Insights from Top Engineers (2024)

2 min read


In June 2024 I went to two ruby conferences in Europe.

As I was meeting many smart engineers, I wondered:

Everyone is making projects. But only some of them actually succeed.

  • What were some of your project failures?
  • Why do software projects fail?

My name is Till Carlos and I document how my team builds products. And today we are talking project failures.

And these are opinions from people from America and Europe.

Eileen M. Uchitelle, eileencodes.com


Key Takeaways: Premature complexity, solve non-problems

Eileen highlighted the dangers of premature optimization and solving non-existent problems. This often leads to unnecessary complexity and wasted resources in software projects.

Moritz Kroger, CTO at Sapiens Germany GmbH


Key Takeaways: Doing neither of agile / planning

Moritz pointed out a critical issue where teams get stuck between methodologies. When not fully committed to either agile or traditional planning, projects can end up in a limbo, hindering progress and potentially leading to failure.

Jan Krutisch, @halfbyte


Key Takeaways: Missing a business or design person

Jan emphasized the importance of having a diverse team. Projects often fail when they lack crucial business or design perspectives, as developers might get too focused on technical aspects.

Henning Thies, henning-thies.de


Key Takeaways: Most side projects

Henning noted that most side projects fail. This serves as a reminder that even great ideas need proper execution and dedication to succeed.

Sebastian Korfmann, @skorfmann


Key Takeaways: Side project got nowhere (but he found a job through one!)

Sebastian’s experience shows that even “failed” projects can lead to unexpected opportunities, underlining the importance of putting work out there.

Radoslav Stankov, rstankov.com


Key Takeaways: JSON in a rich text editor

Radoslav shared a technical failure involving JSON in a rich text editor, illustrating how specific technical decisions can have far-reaching consequences.

Guilherme Carreiro, @karreiro


Key Takeaways: Only small mistakes that get found by other members

Guilherme’s perspective from Shopify demonstrates how a well-structured team with good processes can prevent major failures by catching small mistakes early.

Stephen Margheim, fractaledmind.github.io


Key Takeaways: Failure = learning from a test

Stephen views failure as a learning opportunity, promoting a healthy mindset that can turn setbacks into opportunities for improvement.

I also asked them what makes projects successful. You can read about it here.

What’s your biggest project failure? How did you learn from it?

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Till Carlos

I'm Till, a senior developer who started a software company. I explain software concepts for people in leading roles.