Business Process Management for Small Agencies

3 min read

Employees often don’t follow process.

Especially not, if there’s time pressure.

And for sure not, if nobody checks on them.

Good news: it’s possible with a couple of tricks.

Tricks that Irina Rokosz 👇 just told me. She does business transformation for a living.


What is Business Transformation?

= the process of fixing broken processes and make an organization run like a clockwork.

I talked with Irina Rokosz. Takeaways:

  • How to start process creation
  • Perfect processes become outdated - must continually adapt
  • Ownership with Execution = Effective Processes
  • Getting people to follow documented processes
  • Closing the Process Cycle
  • How to measure Success

If you don’t want to watch this interview, check out her well-written newsletter:

P.S. Here’s a summary in writing:

Starting Point for Process Creation

Identifying the current state of processes within an organization is crucial.

Irina emphasizes the importance of understanding and documenting existing processes. This clarity allows teams to recognize discrepancies and align on a unified path forward.

“When I go, there are no defined processes. You cannot understand what they’re doing, unless somebody sits with you and starts telling you, step by step.”

Perfect Processes Become Outdated - Must Continually Adapt

Irina points out that processes that once were perfect will eventually become obsolete. Adaptation is essential. As business environments evolve, so must the processes to stay relevant and efficient.

Change is constant.

“And then you have to achieve with the minimum resource, you have to achieve the maximum output… It’s all about speed, being agile and being innovative.”

Ownership with Execution = Effective Processes

Irina introduces the roles of process owners and coordinators. Accountability remains with leadership, while coordinators help manage the day-to-day responsibilities.

This structure fosters accountability and continuous process improvement.

“Accountability stays with the leadership team, you cannot remove it, it goes with the organizational structure.”

Getting People to Follow Documented Processes

Engagement is key.

For processes to be successful, people need to follow them. Irina suggests leveraging incentives and making sure processes are regularly updated and reviewed. This keeps the processes relevant and ensures team members are engaged and accountable.

“Every time they change the process, the way they work, they have to update the documentation.”

Closing the Process Cycle

Document. Review. Improve.

The initial setup of documented processes is challenging but essential. Regular reviews, ideally quarterly, help keep these processes fresh and aligned with business goals.

“The first time you close, it takes a long time. But once you do it, at least once, then you have all the documentation.”

Measuring Success

Success in process management is measured by improved business metrics and employee satisfaction. These indicators help assess whether the processes are genuinely adding value to the organization and its people.

Processes are not just about instructions. They are about continuous improvement and adaptation.

Watch the full interview on

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Till Carlos

I'm Till, a senior developer who started a software company. I explain software concepts for people in leading roles.