Rubyists Share Their Favorite Frameworks (2024)

2 min read


In June 2024 I went to two ruby conferences in Europe.

I was able to hang out with some of the brightest people in the ruby community.

Recently many other frameworks and languages gained popularity. That led me to do some interviews.

My name is Till Carlos, and I am the CTO of a team of remote engineers. I document our learnings on my Channel, and today we’ll discuss:

What other frameworks inspire senior developers?

And these are opinions from people from America and Europe.

Lorin Thwaits, @lorint


Favorite: Django

Lorin mentioned Django, highlighting the cross-pollination of ideas between Ruby on Rails and Django communities. It’s interesting to see how developers in one ecosystem draw inspiration from another, especially given the similarities between these frameworks.

Moritz Kroger, CTO at Sapiens Germany GmbH


Favorite: Java: strictness of types

Moritz brought up an interesting point about Java’s type system. The discussion around typing in Ruby is ongoing, with solutions like Sorbet and RBS being explored. It’s fascinating to see how Ruby developers are considering ideas from statically-typed languages.

Jan Krutisch, @halfbyte


Favorite: Rust, Go

Jan’s interest in Rust and Go reflects a broader trend of Ruby developers exploring languages with different approaches to concurrency and system-level programming.

Henning Thies,


Favorite: AI

Henning’s mention of AI is intriguing. It would be interesting to explore further how AI is influencing Ruby development and what specific aspects are inspiring him.

Sebastian Korfmann, @skorfmann


Favorite: Elixir, LiveView, Next

Sebastian’s interest in Elixir, LiveView, and Next.js showcases the diverse range of technologies that Ruby developers are exploring, especially in the realm of real-time web applications.

Radoslav Stankov,


Favorite: Elixir, TypeScript

Radoslav’s mention of Elixir and TypeScript aligns with the growing interest in functional programming and static typing among Ruby developers.

Guilherme Carreiro, @karreiro


Favorite: Rust, because of error handling

Guilherme’s appreciation for Rust’s error handling is noteworthy. It highlights how developers are looking at other languages for robust error management techniques.

Stephen Margheim,


Favorite: Laravel

Stephen’s interest in Laravel is interesting, as it shows Ruby developers also drawing inspiration from PHP frameworks. This cross-pollination of ideas between different web development ecosystems is valuable for innovation.

What did you find lately, that inspired you?

Till Carlos

I'm Till, a senior developer who started a software company. I explain software concepts for people in leading roles.